2019 - 2020 USGS Lidar: Glacier Bay, AK (QL2) | |
(MI_Metadata) fileIdentifier: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:64299 language: LanguageCode: eng characterSet: (MD_CharacterSetCode) UTF8 hierarchyLevel: (MD_ScopeCode) dataset hierarchyLevelName: Elevation contact: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: OCM Partners contactInfo: (CI_Contact) phone: (CI_Telephone) voice: (missing) address: (CI_Address) role: (CI_RoleCode) resourceProvider contact: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: NOAA Office for Coastal Management contactInfo: (CI_Contact) phone: (CI_Telephone) voice: (843) 740-1202 address: (CI_Address) deliveryPoint: 2234 South Hobson Ave city: Charleston administrativeArea: SC postalCode: 29405-2413 country: (missing) electronicMailAddress: coastal.info@noaa.gov onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://coast.noaa.gov protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: NOAA Office for Coastal Management Website description: NOAA Office for Coastal Management Home Page function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information role: (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact dateStamp: DateTime: 2023-05-30T18:10:32 metadataStandardName: ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data metadataStandardVersion: ISO 19115-2:2009(E) return to top spatialRepresentationInfo: (MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation) topologyLevel: (MD_TopologyLevelCode) geometricObjects: (MD_GeometricObjects) geometricObjectType: (MD_GeometricObjectTypeCode) point geometricObjectCount: 21742268928 return to top referenceSystemInfo: return to top referenceSystemInfo: (MD_ReferenceSystem) referenceSystemIdentifier: (RS_Identifier) authority: (CI_Citation) title: NAD83(2011) date: (CI_Date) date: 2008-11-12 dateType: (CI_DateTypeCode) publication citedResponsibleParty: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: European Petroleum Survey Group contactInfo: (CI_Contact) onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://apps.epsg.org/api/v1/CoordRefSystem/6318/export/?format=gml role: (missing) code: urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6318 version: 6.18.3 return to top referenceSystemInfo: (MD_ReferenceSystem) referenceSystemIdentifier: (RS_Identifier) authority: (CI_Citation) title: North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) (GEOID12B) meters alternateTitle: North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) (GEOID12B) meters citedResponsibleParty: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: (withheld) contactInfo: (CI_Contact) onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://apps.epsg.org/api/v1/VerticalCoordRefSystem/5703/?api_key=gml name: North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) (GEOID12B) meters description: Link to Geographic Markup Language (GML) description of reference system. function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information role: (CI_RoleCode) resourceProvider citedResponsibleParty: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: European Petroleum Survey Group contactInfo: (CI_Contact) onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://www.epsg.org/ name: European Petroleum Survey Group Geodetic Parameter Registry description: Registry that accesses the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset, which is a structured dataset of Coordinate Reference Systems and Coordinate Transformations. function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) search role: (CI_RoleCode) publisher VerticalCS: metaDataProperty: CommonMetaData: type: vertical informationSource: OGP revisionDate: 2006-11-28 isDeprecated: false identifier: urn:ogc:def:cs:EPSG::6499 name: Vertical CS. Axis: height (H). Orientation: up. UoM: meter. remarks: Used in vertical coordinate reference systems. axis: CoordinateSystemAxis: descriptionReference: urn:ogc:def:axis-name:EPSG::9904 identifier: urn:ogc:def:axis:EPSG::114 axisAbbrev: H axisDirection: up code: urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::5703 return to top identificationInfo: (MD_DataIdentification) citation: (CI_Citation) title: 2019 - 2020 USGS Lidar: Glacier Bay, AK (QL2) date: (CI_Date) date: 2020-05-04 dateType: (CI_DateTypeCode) publication identifier: (MD_Identifier) authority: (CI_Citation) title: NOAA/NMFS/EDM date: (inapplicable) code: Anchor: InPort Catalog ID 64299 citedResponsibleParty: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: (inapplicable) contactInfo: (CI_Contact) onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/inport/item/64299 protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: Full Metadata Record description: View the complete metadata record on InPort for more information about this dataset. function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information role: (inapplicable) citedResponsibleParty: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: (inapplicable) contactInfo: (CI_Contact) onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://noaa-nos-coastal-lidar-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/laz/geoid12b/9245/supplemental/Glacier_Bay_D1_NIR_lidar_Report.pdf protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: Dataset report description: Link to data set report. function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download role: (inapplicable) citedResponsibleParty: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: (inapplicable) contactInfo: (CI_Contact) onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://noaa-nos-coastal-lidar-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/laz/geoid12b/9245/supplemental/AK_GlacierBay_B3_2019_Summary_Report.pdf protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: Dataset report description: Link to data set report. function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download role: (inapplicable) citedResponsibleParty: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: (inapplicable) contactInfo: (CI_Contact) onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://coast.noaa.gov/dataviewer/ protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: NOAA's Office for Coastal Management (OCM) Data Access Viewer (DAV) description: The Data Access Viewer (DAV) allows a user to search for and download elevation, imagery, and land cover data for the coastal U.S. and its territories. The data, hosted by the NOAA Office for Coastal Management, can be customized and requested for free download through a checkout interface. An email provides a link to the customized data, while the original data set is available through a link within the viewer. function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download role: (inapplicable) presentationForm: (unknown) abstract: Product: QL2 LAS 1.4 Geographic Extent: This NIR Lidar dataset and derived products encompass an area covering approximately 473,860 acres of South East Alaska. The Quality Level 2 (QL2) project area encompassed 345,212 acres of the total area. Dataset Description :The Glacier Bay 3DEP Lidar project called for the planning, acquisition, and processing of Lidar data collected at an aggregate nominal pulse spacing (ANPS) of 0.71 meters for all QL2 areas. Project specifications are based on the U.S. Geological Survey National Geospatial Program Base Lidar Specification, Version 1.3. The data was developed based on the NAD83(2011) horizontal datum and NAVD88 (GEOID12B) vertical datum. Data was projected in UTM Zone 8N. All units are in meters. RAW flight line swaths were processed to create 2,390 classified LAS 1.4 files delineated in 1,000 m x 1,000 m tiles. Please note that tiles GB_03743 and GB_05552 do not include valid point return data as they are entirely over areas of open water and thus have not been included in this submission. Each LAS file contains Lidar point information, which has been calibrated, controlled, and classified. Additional derived products include hydro-flattened DEMs, Highest Hit DSMs, Intensity Images, DZ Orthos, Flightline Shapes, Swath Coverage Shapes, Ground Survey Shapes and 3D breaklines of rivers and lakes within the study area. Ground Conditions: Lidar was collected in summer 2019, while the presence of snow on the ground was at a minimum and rivers were at or below normal levels. In order to post process the Lidar data to meet task order specifications and meet ASPRS vertical accuracy guidelines, DOWL on behalf of QSI established a total of 194 ground control points distributed throughout the Glacier Bay Delivery 1 project area. Lidar data was calibrated to these known ground locations. An additional 115 independent accuracy checkpoints, 33 in Bare Earth and Urban landcovers (NVA points) and 82 in Shrub, Tall Grass, and Forest categories (VVA points) were used to assess the vertical accuracy of the project data. These checkpoints were not used to calibrate or post process the data. Note: currently only Delivery 1 of 2 has been released (Blocks 2 & 3, collected in 2019). When the second and final delivery is made available NOAA OCM will incorporate the data and update this metadata record. This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data. purpose: The purpose of the Lidar data was to produce a high accuracy 3D dataset that meets all necessary standards laid out by the Glacier Bay contract. The raw Lidar point cloud data were used to create classified Lidar LAS files, hydro-flattened DEMs, Highest Hit DSMs, Intensity Images, DZ Orthos, Flightline Shapes, Swath Coverage Shapes and 3D breaklines of rivers and lakes within the study area. credit: USGS, Quantum Spatial, Inc. The custom download may be cited as National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Digital Coast Data Access Viewer. Charleston, SC: NOAA Office for Coastal Management. Accessed Aug 01, 2023 at https://coast.noaa.gov/dataviewer. status: (MD_ProgressCode) completed pointOfContact: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: NOAA Office for Coastal Management contactInfo: (CI_Contact) phone: (CI_Telephone) voice: (843) 740-1202 address: (CI_Address) deliveryPoint: 2234 South Hobson Ave city: Charleston administrativeArea: SC postalCode: 29405-2413 country: (missing) electronicMailAddress: coastal.info@noaa.gov onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://coast.noaa.gov protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: NOAA Office for Coastal Management Website description: NOAA Office for Coastal Management Home Page function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information role: (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact pointOfContact: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: NOAA Office for Coastal Management contactInfo: (CI_Contact) phone: (CI_Telephone) voice: (843) 740-1202 address: (CI_Address) deliveryPoint: 2234 South Hobson Ave city: Charleston administrativeArea: SC postalCode: 29405-2413 country: (missing) electronicMailAddress: coastal.info@noaa.gov onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://coast.noaa.gov protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: NOAA Office for Coastal Management Website description: NOAA Office for Coastal Management Home Page function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information role: (CI_RoleCode) custodian resourceMaintenance: (MD_MaintenanceInformation) maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency: (MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode) notPlanned graphicOverview: (MD_BrowseGraphic) fileName: https://noaa-nos-coastal-lidar-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/laz/geoid12b/9245/supplemental/extent_glacierBay_AK_m9245.kmz fileDescription: This graphic displays the footprint for this lidar data set. fileType: KML descriptiveKeywords: (MD_Keywords) keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > TOPOGRAPHY > TERRAIN ELEVATION keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > OCEANS > BATHYMETRY/SEAFLOOR TOPOGRAPHY > BATHYMETRY > COASTAL BATHYMETRY keyword: EARTH SCIENCE > OCEANS > COASTAL PROCESSES > COASTAL ELEVATION type: (MD_KeywordTypeCode) theme thesaurusName: (CI_Citation) title: Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords date: (missing) edition: 12.3 descriptiveKeywords: (MD_Keywords) keyword: CONTINENT > NORTH AMERICA > UNITED STATES OF AMERICA keyword: VERTICAL LOCATION > LAND SURFACE keyword: VERTICAL LOCATION > SEA FLOOR keyword: Continent > North America > United States Of America > U.S. Coastline keyword: Continent > North America > United States Of America > U.S. Coastline > Alaska type: (MD_KeywordTypeCode) place thesaurusName: (CI_Citation) title: Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords date: (missing) edition: 12.3 descriptiveKeywords: (MD_Keywords) keyword: LIDAR > Light Detection and Ranging type: (MD_KeywordTypeCode) instrument thesaurusName: (CI_Citation) title: Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instrument Keywords date: (missing) edition: 14.9 descriptiveKeywords: (MD_Keywords) keyword: Airplane > Airplane type: (MD_KeywordTypeCode) platform thesaurusName: (CI_Citation) title: Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Platform Keywords date: (missing) edition: 14.9 descriptiveKeywords: (MD_Keywords) keyword: Continent > North America > United States Of America > U.S. Coastline > Alaska > Muir Glacier keyword: Continent > North America > United States Of America > U.S. Coastline > Alaska > Brady Glacier keyword: Continent > North America > United States Of America > U.S. Coastline > Alaska > Glacier Bay keyword: Continent > North America > United States Of America > U.S. Coastline > Alaska > Grand Pacific Glacier keyword: Continent > North America > United States Of America > U.S. Coastline > Alaska > Gustavus keyword: Continent > North America > United States Of America > U.S. Coastline > Alaska > Johns Hopkins Glacier keyword: Continent > North America > United States Of America > U.S. Coastline > Alaska > Lamplugh Glacier keyword: Continent > North America > United States Of America > U.S. Coastline > Alaska > Reid Glacier type: (MD_KeywordTypeCode) place descriptiveKeywords: (MD_Keywords) keyword: Lidar - partner (no harvest) type: (MD_KeywordTypeCode) project thesaurusName: (CI_Citation) title: InPort date: (inapplicable) resourceConstraints: (MD_LegalConstraints) useConstraints: (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions otherConstraints: Cite As: OCM Partners, [Date of Access]: 2019 - 2020 USGS Lidar: Glacier Bay, AK (QL2) [Data Date Range], https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/inport/item/64299. resourceConstraints: (MD_Constraints) useLimitation: NOAA provides no warranty, nor accepts any liability occurring from any incomplete, incorrect, or misleading data, or from any incorrect, incomplete, or misleading use of the data. It is the responsibility of the user to determine whether or not the data is suitable for the intended purpose. resourceConstraints: (MD_LegalConstraints) accessConstraints: (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions useConstraints: (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions otherConstraints: Access Constraints: None | Use Constraints: Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and some parts of this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use this data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations. | Distribution Liability: Any conclusions drawn from the analysis of this information are not the responsibility of NOAA, the Office for Coastal Management or its partners resourceConstraints: (MD_SecurityConstraints) classification: (MD_ClassificationCode) unclassified classificationSystem: (missing) handlingDescription: (missing) aggregationInfo: (MD_AggregateInformation) aggregateDataSetName: (CI_Citation) title: 2019 USGS Lidar: Glacier Bay, AK (QL1) date: (unknown) identifier: (MD_Identifier) authority: (CI_Citation) title: NOAA/NMFS/EDM date: (inapplicable) code: 64330 associationType: (DS_AssociationTypeCode) crossReference aggregationInfo: (MD_AggregateInformation) aggregateDataSetName: (CI_Citation) title: NOAA Data Management Plan (DMP) date: (unknown) identifier: (MD_Identifier) authority: (CI_Citation) title: NOAA/NMFS/EDM date: (inapplicable) code: 64299 citedResponsibleParty: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: (inapplicable) contactInfo: (CI_Contact) onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/inportserve/waf/noaa/nos/ocmp/dmp/pdf/64299.pdf protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: NOAA Data Management Plan (DMP) description: NOAA Data Management Plan for this record on InPort. function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information role: (inapplicable) associationType: (DS_AssociationTypeCode) crossReference spatialRepresentationType: (MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode) vector language: eng; US topicCategory: (MD_TopicCategoryCode) elevation environmentDescription: Applanix PosPac 7.1, Microstation Version 8.0, TerraScan Version 19, TerraModeler Version 19, TerraMatch Version 19, ESRI ArcGIS 10.5, Windows 10 Operating System extent: (EX_Extent) geographicElement: (EX_GeographicBoundingBox) westBoundLongitude: -138.03 eastBoundLongitude: -135.3 southBoundLatitude: 58.21 northBoundLatitude: 59.17 temporalElement: (EX_TemporalExtent) extent: TimePeriod: description: Timeframe of the 2019 collection season. Note that additional collects were performed in 2020. | Currentness: Ground Condition beginPosition: 2019-07-31 endPosition: 2019-09-15 supplementalInformation: CONTRACTOR: Quantum Spatial, Inc. Ground Control Points were acquired by DOWL for Quantum Spatial Inc. Data acquisition was coordinated by Quantum Spatial through Eagle Aerial. All Lidar data calibration, and follow-on processing were completed by Quantum Spatial. The following are the USGS lidar fields in JSON: { "ldrinfo" : { "ldrspec" : "U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - National Geospatial Program (NGP) Lidar Base Specification v1.3", "ldrsens" : "Riegl LMS Q1560", "ldrmaxnr" : "Unlimited", "ldrnps" : "0.50", "ldrdens" : "4", "ldranps" : "0.31", "ldradens" : "10.69", "ldrfltht" : "1,300", "ldrfltsp" : "140", "ldrscana" : "58.5", "ldrscanr" : "Multiple Times Around", "ldrpulsr" : "800", "ldrpulsd" : "3", "ldrpulsw" : "0.23", "ldrwavel" : "1064", "ldrmpia" : "1", "ldrbmdiv" : "0.25", "ldrswatw" : "1,456", "ldrswato" : "50", "ldrgeoid" : "National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Geoid12B" }, "ldraccur" : { "ldrchacc" : "0", "rawnva" : "0", "rawnvan" : "0", "clsnva" : "0", "clsnvan" : "0", "clsvva" : "0", "clsvvan" : "0" }, "lasinfo" : { "lasver" : "1.4", "lasprf" : "6", "laswheld" : "Withheld (ignore) points are identified in these files using the standard LAS Withheld bit.", "lasolap" : "Swath "overage" points were identified in these files using the standard LAS overlap bit.", "lasintr" : "16", "lasclass" : { "clascode" : "1", "clasitem" : "Processed, but Unclassified" }, "lasclass" : { "clascode" : "2", "clasitem" : "Bare earth ground" }, "lasclass" : { "clascode" : "7", "clasitem" : "Low Noise" }, "lasclass" : { "clascode" : "9", "clasitem" : "NIR Water Surface" }, "lasclass" : { "clascode" : "18", "clasitem" : "High Noise" }, "lasclass" : { "clascode" : "20", "clasitem" : "Ignored Ground Near Breaklines" }, "lasclass" : { "clascode" : "22", "clasitem" : "Temporal Exclusion Points" } }} return to top distributionInfo: (MD_Distribution) distributionFormat: (MD_Format) name: Zip version: (missing) fileDecompressionTechnique: Zip distributionFormat: (MD_Format) name: LAZ version: (missing) distributor: (MD_Distributor) distributorContact: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: NOAA Office for Coastal Management contactInfo: (CI_Contact) phone: (CI_Telephone) voice: (843) 740-1202 address: (CI_Address) deliveryPoint: 2234 South Hobson Ave city: Charleston administrativeArea: SC postalCode: 29405-2413 country: (missing) electronicMailAddress: coastal.info@noaa.gov onlineResource: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://coast.noaa.gov protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: NOAA Office for Coastal Management Website description: NOAA Office for Coastal Management Home Page function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information role: (CI_RoleCode) distributor transferOptions: (MD_DigitalTransferOptions) onLine: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://coast.noaa.gov/dataviewer/#/lidar/search/where:ID=9245/details/9245 protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: Customized Download description: Create custom data files by choosing data area, product type, map projection, file format, datum, etc. A new metadata will be produced to reflect your request using this record as a base. Change to an orthometric vertical datum is one of the many options. function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download transferOptions: (MD_DigitalTransferOptions) onLine: (CI_OnlineResource) linkage: https://noaa-nos-coastal-lidar-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/laz/geoid12b/9245/index.html protocol: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link name: Bulk Download description: Bulk download of data files in LAZ format, geographic coordinates, orthometric heights. Note that the vertical datum (hence elevations) of the files here are different than described in this document. They will be in an orthometric datum. function: (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download return to top dataQualityInfo: (DQ_DataQuality) scope: (DQ_Scope) level: (MD_ScopeCode) dataset report: (DQ_AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy) nameOfMeasure: Vertical Positional Accuracy evaluationMethodDescription: This data set was produced to meet ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standard for Digital Geospatial Data (2014) for a 10-cm RMSEz Vertical Accuracy Class. Absolute accuracy was assessed using Non-Vegetated Vertical Accuracy (NVA) reporting designed to meet guidelines presented in the FGDC National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy. NVA compares known ground check point data that were withheld from the calibration and post-processing of the lidar point cloud to the triangulated surface generated by the unclassified lidar point cloud as well as the derived gridded bare earth DEM. NVA is a measure of the accuracy of lidar point data in open areas where the lidar system has a high probability of measuring the ground surface and is evaluated at the 95% confidence interval (1.96 * RMSE). The mean and standard deviation (sigma) of divergence of the ground surface model from quality assurance point coordinates are also considered during accuracy assessment. These statistics assume the error for x, y and z is normally distributed, and therefore the skew and kurtosis of distributions are also considered when evaluating error statistics. For the Glacier Bay, Alaska Delivery 1 survey, 33 ground check points were withheld from the calibration and post processing of the lidar point cloud, with resulting non-vegetated vertical accuracy of 0.073 meters as compared to unclassified LAS with 95% confidence. The RMSe = 0.037m. result: (missing) report: (DQ_CompletenessCommission) nameOfMeasure: Completeness Report evaluationMethodDescription: These LAS data files include all data points collected. No points have been removed or excluded. A visual qualitative assessment was performed to ensure data completeness. No void areas or missing data exist. The raw point cloud is of good quality and data passes Non-Vegetated Vertical Accuracy specifications. result: (missing) report: (DQ_ConceptualConsistency) nameOfMeasure: Conceptual Consistency evaluationMethodDescription: Classified LAS files were tested by QSI for both vertical and horizontal accuracy. All data is seamless from one tile to the next, no gaps or no data areas. result: (missing) lineage: (LI_Lineage) statement: (missing) processStep: (LI_ProcessStep) description: Lidar Pre-Processing: 1. Review flight lines and data to ensure complete coverage of the study area and positional accuracy of the laser points. 2. Resolve kinematic corrections for aircraft position data using kinematic aircraft GPS and static ground GPS data. 3. Develop a smoothed best estimate of trajectory (SBET) file that blends post-processed aircraft position with sensor head position and attitude recorded throughout the survey. 4. Calculate laser point position by associating SBET position to each laser point return time, scan angle, intensity, etc. Create raw laser point cloud data for the entire survey in *.las format. Convert data to orthometric elevations by applying a geoid correction. 5. Import raw laser points into manageable blocks to perform manual relative accuracy calibration and filter erroneous points. Classify ground points for individual flight lines. 6. Using ground classified points per each flight line, test the relative accuracy. Perform automated line-to-line calibrations for system attitude parameters (pitch, roll, heading), mirror flex (scale) and GPS/IMU drift. Calculate calibrations on ground classified points from paired flight lines and apply results to all points in a flight line. Use every flight line for relative accuracy calibration. 7. Adjust the point cloud by comparing ground classified points to supplemental ground control points. dateTime: DateTime: 2020-05-04T00:00:00 processStep: (LI_ProcessStep) description: Lidar Post-Processing: 1. Classify data to ground and other client designated classifications using proprietary classification algorithms. 2. Manually QC data classification 3. After completion of classification and final QC approval, calculate NVA and VVA, and density information for the project using ground control quality check points. For Ql1 areas single swath nominal pulse spacing (NPS) was designed to be 0.50 at nadir and the aggregate Nominal Pulse Spacing (ANPS) was calculated to be 0.31 using all valid first return points. dateTime: DateTime: 2020-05-04T00:00:00 processStep: (LI_ProcessStep) description: The NOAA Office for Coastal Management (OCM) downloaded this data set from this USGS site: ftp://rockyftp.cr.usgs.gov/vdelivery/Datasets/Staged/Elevation/LPC/Projects/AK_GlacierBay_2019_B19/ The data were in UTM Zone 8 North (NAD83 2011) coordinates and NAVD88 (Geoid12B) elevations in meters. The data were classified as: 1 - Unclassified, 2 - Ground, 7 - Low Noise, 9 - Water, 17 - Bridge Decks, 18 - High Noise, 20 - Ignored Ground, 22 - Temporal Exclusion. OCM processed all classifications of points to the Digital Coast Data Access Viewer (DAV). OCM performed the following processing on the data for Digital Coast storage and provisioning purposes: 1. An internal OCM script was run to check the number of points by classification and by flight ID and the gps and intensity ranges. 2. Internal OCM scripts were run on the laz files to convert from orthometric (NAVD88) elevations to ellipsoid elevations using the Geoid 12B model, to convert from UTM Zone 8 North (NAD83 2011) coordinates in meters to geographic coordinates, to assign the geokeys, to sort the data by gps time and zip the data to database and to http. processor: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: Office for Coastal Management role: (CI_RoleCode) processor source: (LI_Source) sourceCitation: (CI_Citation) title: Lidar Data date: (missing) citedResponsibleParty: (CI_ResponsibleParty) organisationName: Quantum Spatial, Inc. role: (CI_RoleCode) originator processStep: (LI_ProcessStep) description: The vertical values in this data set have been converted to reference North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) (GEOID12B) meters, using the GEOID12B grids provided by the National Geodetic Survey. Any datum and projection transformations were then done with the Office for Coastal Management 'datum_shift' program. Compression to an LAZ file was done with the LAStools 'laszip' program and can be unzipped with the same free program (laszip.org) Processing notes: dateTime: DateTime: 2023-08-01T05:12:12 processor: (CI_ResponsibleParty) individualName: NOAA Office for Coastal Management contactInfo: (CI_Contact) address: (CI_Address) electronicMailAddress: coastal.info@noaa.gov role: (CI_RoleCode) processor |